Explainable Object-induced Action Decision for Autonomous Vehicles


A new paradigm is proposed for autonomous driving. The new paradigm lies between the end-to-end and pipelined approaches, and is inspired by how humans solve the problem. While it relies on scene understanding, the latter only considers objects that could originate hazard. These are denoted as action-inducing, since changes in their state should trigger vehicle actions. They also define a set of explanations for these actions, which should be produced jointly with the latter. An extension of the BDD100K dataset, annotated for a set of 4 actions and 21 explanations, is proposed. A new multi-task formulation of the problem, which optimizes the accuracy of both action commands and explanations, is then introduced. A CNN architecture is finally proposed to solve this problem, by combining reasoning about action inducing objects and global scene context. Experimental results show that the requirement of explanations improves the recognition of action-inducing objects, which in turn leads to better action predictions.


Presented at CVF/IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Seattle, WA, 2020.



BDD-OIA Dataset


Some scenes in BDD-OIA. The green arrows in the bottom right show the ground truth for possible actions.

BDD-OIA Dataset Overview

BDD-OIA dataset is an extension of BDD100K. We collected the complicated scenes (> 5 pedestrians or >5 vehicles) in the original BDD100K dataset, and then annotated them with 4 action categories and 21 explanation categories.


BDD-OIA contains 22,924 5-second videos. In particular, the training set includes 16,082 videos, the validation set includes 2,270 videos while the test set contains 4,572 videos. The statistics of categories and complexity are shown below.


Action and explanation categories in the BDD-OIA dataset.


The dataset is available here. (lastframe.zip, 742MB, used in our paper)


The architecture of the proposed network is shown below. The Faster R-CNN is used to extract backbone features, which are fed into a global and a local branch. The Global Module generates a global feature map that provides scene context, while the local branch captures the details of action-inducing objects. In the local branch, a selector module outputs a score for each object feature tensor and associated global context information. The top k action-inducing objects are selected and the features from the two branches are concatenated for action and explanation prediction. Two visualizations derived from the input image are also shown. The combination of local and global features and end-to-end supervision enables the network to reason about scene-object relationships and produce a global feature map more selective of action-inducing objects than the backbone feature maps.



The evaluation metric is F1-score. We present the results of different multi-task scale and different network architectures below.


Action and explanation prediction performance as a function of the importance of each task (determined by λ). Labels denote “move forward” (F), “stop/slow down” (S), “turn/change lane to the left” (L), and “turn/change lane to the right” (R).


Action and explanation prediction performance using global and local features. “Only local branch” (“Only global branch”) means that the network ignores global (local) features, “random Selector” that object features are chosen randomly, and “Select top-k” that the selection module chooses the k objects of highest score.

Some qualitative results are also shown below.


Examples of network predictions, objects selected as action-inducing, and explanations. Yellow bounding boxes identify the objects detected by the Faster R-CNN, while red bounding boxes identify the objects selected as action-inducing by the proposed network. ”G” stands for ground truth and ”P” for prediction. For explanations, green indicates true positives, red false positives, and gray false negatives (i.e. valid explanations not predicted).

We would like to thank Pedro Morgado for providing this website template.
Last Updated: April, 2020